Helpful Shortcuts and Tools:

Tej Charfi
1 min readJan 6, 2021

This will be a list that I keep adding to throughout my journey.

VS Code Shortcuts

  • delete entire line: shift ⌘ K
  • move a line up: option ↑
  • move a line down: option ↓
  • indent a line or block left: ⌘ [
  • indent a line or block right: ⌘ ]
  • select and change matching: ⌘ D
  • search for a file: ⌘ P

Terminal Shortcuts

  • clear the terminal: ⌘ K
  • delete word to the left: control + W
  • Take you to the end of the current line: command + A

Best VS Code Extensions

Launches a local development server with a live reload feature both for static and dynamic pages. Every time you save your code, you’ll instantly see the changes reflected in the browser.

You can set it up so it formats your code every time you save it, significantly reducing the amount of time you need to spend formatting your code.

Allows you to change the color of your environment

Instantly visualize CSS colors

Highlight Comments so that they stand out

Best React Learning Resource:

